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Can dogs love their owners?

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Whether dogs develop feelings such as love is scientifically disputed. For you, as a person who deals with dogs, such a question as whether your four-legged friend has feelings or not will not arise. All living beings are capable of experiencing emotions such as fear, joy, affection, or disgust.

How do you understand that a dog loves you?

It’s a pity that a dog can’t tell us “I love you.” If our four-legged friends could talk, you wouldn’t have to wonder if your dog loves you. But with the help of “body language” and behavioral characteristics, dogs are quite capable of conveying their feelings to us.

Dogs show through their actions that they love us. You can tell how strong the bond between you two is by your dog’s behavior. Trust and bonding are the most essential cornerstones of a loving relationship between a human and a dog. Watch your four-legged friend and notice signs of attention.

Photo by Laura Stanley on

Each dog is different, but the following behavior patterns can serve as a guide. The closer the bond between you and your four-legged friend, the more you will recognize the signs that the dog loves you.

1. Trust is the key

Trust is the basis of an excellent human-dog relationship and is demonstrated in various situations. Does your dog sleep calmly and relaxed next to you, or even turn sensitive areas towards you, such as his belly? Then, you can be sure that the dog trusts you completely. Evidence of trust can also come from situations your dog finds strange and reacts to with uncertainty or fear. Does he focus on you?

2. Does the dog look you in the eyes and wait for a reaction?

When you and your dog look into each other’s eyes, it will immediately become clear: the dog loves you more than anything! In these moments of most profound connection, you feel how much you like your dog.

Scientists’ studies have proven that the hormone oxytocin ( the love hormone) is released in people when they stroke a dog’s fur. Did you know that the same can be said about deep eye contact? Japanese scientists have discovered that oxytocin is secreted both in humans and in our four-legged friends. The more you practice this behavior with your dog, the more likely your relationship will become strong and trusting.

3. Does your dog turn away when you look at him?

In a dog’s body language, direct gaze is interpreted as intimidating behavior. Depending on your dog’s personality, your gaze should be soft and loving so that he feels exactly what you mean. This is a great exercise.

4. Can your dog tell when you’re not feeling well?

Dogs are sensitive to a person’s mood. If you are sad, a dog will show its love by trying to comfort you. Some dogs ask their owners to play with them or lie down next to them. This is also a sign of love from your dog.

Does your four-legged friend behave more attentively when you are sick? Does he take care of you? Is he nearby? Does he make do with fewer walks? If a dog pays attention to your health, you can be sure he loves you very much.

5. Small gifts keep friendships alive

A sign of affection is when your four-legged friend brings you a toy or invites you to play. However, there are some subtleties here. If, for example, a pet brings you its toy but does not give it back, this is simply an invitation to play. But if the dog comes and puts a toy at your feet, it should be considered a gift.

Attention is already proof of love! If you look at your four-legged friend and he wags his tail playfully, it is a sign of respect and affection. Licking your face or even your hand shows his love for you. If you don’t like it, wean your furry friend off gently so he doesn’t feel disgusted. Here, you can offer him a compromise by allowing him to lick your hand instead of your face.

6. The dog is always next to you

There is nothing better for your dog than to always be by your side. No matter what room you are in, your four-legged friend will find a cozy place nearby. In your home office, under your desk, on the couch for cuddling, or in the kitchen while making dinner. Many dogs do not let their owners out of their sight at all.

What, on the one hand, should be affection? On the other hand, it can be controlling behavior. If your dog is acting restless and trying to restrict you in space, this could indicate dominant or controlling behavior. But if the dog is relaxed and allows you to do what you want, he wants to be with his loved one.

Signs to watch out for

Generally, there are several signs that your dog is uncomfortable around you. It can be:

1. The dog avoids you, does not seek contact, or even enters another room.

2. Feels nervous and cannot relax, indicating a lack of trust.

3. Doesn’t want to play with you or go for walks.

4. Displays obvious defensive signals, such as growling or snarling.

5. Doesn’t eat or accept treats from you.

If you notice one or more of these signs in your dog, it doesn’t necessarily mean he doesn’t like you. If your dog’s behavior suddenly changes for no apparent reason, it may be a sign that something is wrong with him. Have your furry friend examined by a veterinarian. Perhaps the dog is sick and, therefore, reacts differently than usual.

How to make your dog love you

How can you make your dog love you more than anyone else? There are some great tips that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine. The most critical points for a loving relationship between a person and a dog:

Spend time together

Shared experiences and adventures strengthen the bond! Walks, hikes, dog sports, and even trips to the coffee shop are ideal opportunities to enhance relationships.

The way to a dog’s heart is through his stomach

Pamper your pet with tasty food and reward him when he does well, such as following your commands. But be sure to feed only healthy foods. Many foods that humans love are only to a limited extent tolerated by dogs or are even harmful to health.

Do you know your dog?

The most important thing is that you know and value your dog’s needs. As a good pack leader, you must ensure your four-legged friend does not need anything. In addition to food and care, a dog must have a reliable and confident owner, friend, and companion nearby.

This also includes learning to recognize your dog’s nonverbal cues correctly. Our four-legged friends watch us carefully and quickly understand the behavior associated with a particular mood. Learn his language. 

Remember that dogs are built differently and may show their affection in different ways.  Much depends on the character and breed of your dog. Regardless of what you see, show your dog that you are friendly, and you will make a great team!

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